I’m taking the day off today, so I had my pal Faceblaster interview porno gal Tricia Marx. Please note her right eye. Faceblaster blasted her for The Dick Suckers just moments before this interview took place. It was a mighty blast! And in the backround? Cherry Poppens, my assistant, prepping model releases.
I Shoot Porn: You just shot a scene for TheDickSuckers. How do you feel about sucking dick?
Tricia Marx: I love the cock! I love having big objects in my mouth.
ISP: Do you remember the first time you had one in your mouth?
TM: I was in a field, with a blanket on the ground, and I could see the horizon. I don’t remember what his name was, but I was 14, and I was running away from home, and this guy was older – and a fuck buddy.
ISP: Did you fuck him, too?
TM: Nope, just head. When he came it popped right into my forehead. I was like UGH! I felt grossed out at the time. It was in my hair, and I knew what it was…I just really didn’t know what to do.
ISP: Remember your first swallow?
TM: It was in porn. No amateur swallows. I’ve only done it on film, and I think it was for Back Seat Bangers.
ISP: You’ve had it in your mouth before…but you’re a spitter.
TM: Yea, before I get into porn, even the taste of pre-cum made me vomit. Now, I love it.
ISP: Any girl-girl activity in your teen years?
TM: Oh yea. Like, two years ago I went through a “bi-phase”. I liked girls. I had a girlfriend for, like, 2 weeks. I’ve had girls get me off, too. I’m not bi, but I’ll make out with a girl. I love the cock, though!
ISP: What’s the easiest way for you to cum?
TM: The finger thing that Shane Diesel did on my pussy was crazy. Wow!
ISP: What do you do in your spare time? Besides sex, of course.
TM: I love to write. I write music and poetry. I like to sing. I sing with my kinda-sorta boyfriend. He does demos. He’s trying to get a record deal.
ISP: Can you give me a 4 line poem? Maybe a haiku. Come on!! Give me one about blowjobs.
TM: Gimme a minute. (She thinks…she paces back and forth.)
ISP: And afterwards I masturbate?
TM: Exactly!!!