Lexi Diamond: No, I didn’t. I did a scene with the guy who fucked the girl with HIV.
ISP: What went through your mind when you took that call?
LD: Well, AIM left a voice mail saying to get back to them cause it was urgent.
ISP: And you thought?
LD: I thought I had AIDS.
ISP: But they test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, too.
LD: Yea, well I panicked. It was a panic thing for me. I didn’t think they’d sound so serious if I had chlamydia or gonorrhea. I called AIM back. They talked to me very slow, very comforting, and they said I was quarantined. They told me not to panic, cause most likely I didn’t contract it. I cried a little bit, and honestly I can’t really remember much more of that conversation. I was told to come back and get tested, and that I’d get tested again after that. They told me not to have any sex with anyone.
ISP: You still got your boyfriend?
LD: Yes.
ISP: Had you slept with him?
LD: Yes. He was really good about it. He was calming me down the whole time. He was worried, but he wasn’t freaking out like I was. I was totally panicking…like, oh my God I’m gonna die of AIDS!
ISP: Up until the time you finally came back completely negative, how did this all this change your life?
LD: I was just thinking what if I have AIDS? What am I gonna do? I thought about what it would be like taking meds for the rest of my life, dealing with future sex partners, losing my porn job…and getting sick, and dying.
ISP: Did it ever occur to you — whether or not your test came back negative — to quit doing porn?
LD: Yes, of course. And I regretting getting in. How can all these other porn stars do this for years and not get HIV, and my second or third month into the biz I’m quarantined? And might have HIV!? I just tried to be calm and not to panic.
ISP: You could have just gone back to work at Jack-In-The-Box and left porn forever.
LD: I don’t want to go back to Jack-In-The-Box. How do you go from making porn money back to minimum wage?
ISP: Some people would argue that 18-year-olds don’t have any business being in porn. You should still be in school.
LD: I was in school…but I didn’t finish. I was too busy making porn.
ISP: So you didn’t even finish high school.
LD: I actually can go back. I’m still 18. I can go back this coming year.
ISP: But you won’t.
LD: I know. I’m just gonna go get my GED.
ISP: What are you expecting to get out of porn?
LD: To make money and pay bills. I don’t think I’m good enough to be a star. I’d have to get boob implants and all that stuff.
ISP: Jenna Haze didn’t have to get implants.
LD: I don’t know who that is.
ISP: I shot your first scene ever. It was a handjob. For Mano Job. I liked you so much I shot a second Mano Job, and then I brought you back for ISP: The Dick Suckers. What else have you done since then?
LD: I worked with Ron Jeremy! It wasn’t a sex scene…just acting. I really don’t remember the names of the people. I did Pure 18.
ISP: It sounds like you don’t like this anymore.
LD: Not really. I’m working to pay for college.
ISP: When I first shot you, you seemed totally into it. Did the quarantine change things?
LD: It kinda did. Not dramatically. It added to the dislike of doing this for a living.
ISP: What exactly don’t you like?
LD: Just the fact you could get AIDS…even though you look at tests. It’s scary and unpredictable.
ISP: Don’t you think your life is worth more than the money you’re making in porn?
LD: True. Yea. I’m just lazy. I could work a normal job like everyone else, but I’d rather do it the easy way and take the risk.
ISP: You might lose fans over this interview.
LD: Really? (Shrugs her shoulders). I’m not trying to get famous…I’m just trying to make money.
ISP: Think the biz should make its performers wear condoms?
LD: I think it should be law.

uh Billy, can you give us a bit of insight into why you’re so heavy in this interview? You are coming across way porn negative. Have you have a change of view? Do you feel weird that you shot this girl’s first scenes and then later she could have ended up with HIV?
Please elaborate!
She looks thrilled to have that load on her face.
Hey E — I didn’t feel it was “porn negative” at all. Honestly, Lexi didn’t have much to say, and it kinda just went that way. I really expected some more insight on Lexi’s part. This had nothing to do with me shooting her first scenes, either. It’s a tough subject, and I get a LOT of requests from fans wanting to know more about the “real” aspects on a porn set, and particularly about STD’s in porn. This was an attempt to deliver that…it didn’t come off well.
So she wants condoms in porn to be law?
Maybe while shes getting her breast implants, they can give her a brain transplant, and some business sense.
OT question but something I’ve always wondered.. Why is the black dicks on blacksonboys so much smaller than the straight black dicks? Maybe you can get one of the straigh guy to at least get a blowjob from a gay white boy? There’s no point watching negros if they don’t have a big dick (imo of course).
Anyways, cheers from Sweden.
PS. Is the baby stuff real? It kinda creeps me out LOL.
Great interview Billy, nice to see a more normal (dare I say human?) side to the biz.
This was a good interview. I really feel for the girl. I hope she can find some other way to make a living, given her feelings about porn. It’s not something you should be doing if you hate it. And, speaking as a responsible citizen rather than just a porn viewer, you must know that really, condoms probably should be required by law. There are laws about workplace safety and bodily fluid exposure which probably actually do apply. Sure a lot of people would whine, but really, so what? I think there are probably a few hundred thousand things which are much more important to get upset about. Maybe you’d lose business. Then maybe you, too, could find some other way to make a living where you didn’t feel demoralized, cynical, jaded and burned out. In the meantime I’ll keep reading your blog because it’s sometimes interesting, entertaining or amusing — or even touching, like this time.
Billy, great interview and I appreciate how you kept things simple; it really shows how your business isn’t just fun and games. Lexi Diamond reminds me of a lot of the people I went to high school with, smart enough to know better, but lazy enough not to care.
I’m glad Lexi’s opinion isn’t the law. If AIDS is a true concern for you; DON’T ENGAGE IN RISKY SEX. DON’T HAVE SEX FOR CASH. DON’T HAVE SEX! Now I don’t need a law to understand this. Jeez
I don’t think it went badly at all, Billy. It’s an honest interview and whoever moaned at you about it clearly doesn’t want to see the reality of porn, just the rosey cock-enlarging fantasy. That’s not why I read your blog. I want to hear it all, good and bad, so you should be proud to be honest enough to have have posted this entry.
I’m very interested in what kind of relationship she can possibly have with a boyfriend who is happy to let her have sex with dozens of men for money.
She is a beautiful girl. I hope everything works out for her.
This girl is a tool
That’s bitch and her boyfriend are stupid as fuck
Great interview, even though she doesn’t know enough to answer the questions in an interesting way
and deya, move out of the 60’s. We don’t like to be called Negroes, swede
Billy, you are the greatest!
They told me you is responsible for blacksonblondes!
If true I would like to congratulate you, is the best site of all time Interracial …
Only one site Cuckold, and you were great again …
Before watching candymonroe, but she was fat, then moved to cumeatingcuckolds, but now, cuckoldsessions, over all, is wonderful, just ask one thing, only young girls …. who likes old as adriana nicole janet mason and then sign WatchingMyMomGoBlack . with or blcksoncougars, … but please cuckoldsessions only young! (love cameron, tara lynn, chayse evans, ashli Orion, Tori Paige, tricia oaks) are perfect !!!!!! please more teens! I like both of Lexi diamond in a Gangbang in blackonblondes.com and in cuckoldsessions, and would also like to mckenzee miles in blacksonblondes, do you see?
Not well understood … the Lexi is sick? or just a suspicion?
Lexi The diamond is very nice, I wish so much that she would bob and cucksessions! God is powerful, and it will not be patient and give us very happy !!!!!
She quit high school to do porn.
She’s going to get her GED. Someday.
She’s just doing porn to pay for college.
Strangely, this is the kind of interview that helps me understand Billy’s attitude(s). And yeah, “pornwhore” is still the right word.
I liked the interview, she was completely honest.
this girl didn’t even graduate high school yet. she fucks people on camera for a job and your expecting her to be smart? politically savvy? jesus lighten up. i thought it was a great interview. this chick is super cute
stop screwing niggers then you worthless slut
The hypocrisy of porn is exactly what this girl went through. She assumes the risk of STD’s by accepting that “easy money” and its stupid to think that anything in this world is free. The emotional toll and risk is part of the price that they accept for their quick cash. Yeah she is lazy and she can get money simply for her looks but at the end of the day she has to accept the consequences of her actions and look at herself in the mirror.
Ps People who criticize porn stars are just as hypocritical they degrade these people and yet their obsession with naked bodies pay the money which makes the porn an attractive option. (Much like people who criticize drug dealers but buy and smoke pot.)
just why has the porn industry to plague their girls with divine little breasts, so they go and let their breasts mutilate pressing a ton of shit under their beautiful skin. does the average man think standardized bodies are more erotic? for me it is just a destroyed paradise….
I like your thingking
I think she is the greatest gal in this industry
I recently did a film with Lexi Diamond, a beautiful, 19 year old. Just last week, she told me this:
Me: Nice to see you, Lexi!
Lexi: Nice to see you, too. Been working on things.
Me: Your shooting with Mike Baley today? He’s got a big one.
Lexi: Ha-ha, nice. I love big ones.
Me: Meet me up later, k? *We both laughed* Just kidding. Are you out of school?
Lexi: Yep. Now seeing what happens next.
Me: How long do you want to stay in the biz?
Lexi: I’m not sure. I’m having fun with it though.
Me: Your getting popular, your fans have some questions!
Lexi: Really? Haha. I didn’t realize I had fans, I think of myself as a girl still trying to get into the biz.
Me: Well, your famous. Haha. This comes from Sean, “does your parents know your in porn?”..
Lexi: No, they don’t. But one of my 3 sisters know, and my friends and boyfriend. I don’t know when to tell them, I’ve been trying so hard but I can’t get the guts to do it. I feel lame, I had to go on Yahoo! Answers, haha.
Me: Yahoo! Answers?
Lexi: A website to ask questions and you get some answers from random people. I said, “I’m a pornstar, how do I tell my parents?” but no help. Even one guy was like “I’m a fan” and a girl said her boyfriend and her watched a DVD of me. I was kinda shocked.
Me: I see. Now you have some big tits?
Lexi: Haha, yes. I got a boob job! I was sick of my A’s. I needed some bigger ones, porn or not.
Me: Do you have a website?
Lexi: Coming soon, lexinow.com. Can’t wait.
Me: Twitter? Facebook?
Lexi: Twitter is @Lexi_Diamond and my facebook is private and unsearchable.
Me: Well, nice meeting you. And we hope to see you and Mike Baley again.
She did a scene with Mike Baley…and gave him an amazing blowjob! I’m now aloud to say that Lexi has agreed to do another video with Tradese Scott, a muscular black man, and she agreed to do anal for the first time on camera! We’re filming next month and I’m not sure when it will be released.