As I consider you to be the Cecil Adams of porn (Cecil, of course, authors the long-running “Straight Dope” column) I want to know something about Black Cock Sluts, specifically, do they really exist in Porn Valley, or is a paycheck a paycheck?
Having watched far too much IR porn for far too long than I usually admit, I will from time to time run across various references in blogs and such to certain porn actresses as being a “black cock slut”.
Not one to accept blind assertions without evidence, I will search my trusty IAFD database to see if true. My contention is that yes, they do exist, but they are often not the names usually mentioned. Let me illustrate by example: the adorable Bree Olson is often referred to as a black cock slut. True, she is credited with 21 IR appearances, according to IAFD. But Bree has been a busy girl in general, having notched a grand total of 140 appearances during her relatively short career. So while Bree is surely not adverse to working with The Black Man, I think it’s a bit of a stretch to hang the BCS tag on her.
I know this is a topic you have discussed in general terms on your blog from time to time, but if you could elaborate a bit it would be appreciated. Names would be nice, though I’m aware you have a level of discretion you must maintain. Personal experiences or vignettes you can share would be also be nice.
And, lastly, it would seem that if 90% of one’s B-G work involves interracial, one would almost have to deliberately go out of one’s way to work with tha’ brothas – mere random chance or simply checking the box labeled “IR” on the talent agent’s bio card couldn’t possibly lead to a 90% rating. True?
Thanks for all you do, you dirty smut peddler you.
Wanna hear something funny, Jimmy? I mean, beside the fact that I waited about a year and a half to answer you?
I actually wrote to Cecil Adams, once. It was a long, long time ago, and it was the first and only time I ever wrote a letter to the author of an advice column, and I did it cause I loved Cecil Adams back then…so I take your “Cecil Adams of porn” label as a compliment. I just wonder how many others know about Cecil?
As far as Porn Valley goes, let’s get one thing straight: we’re all here for the paycheck. Cause, after all, this is a job. You expect a pay check after a long day’s work, right?
Sure, there’s some Porno Princesses who do it for the check. And there’s some who are really into the brothas, so I guess you could call them Black Cock Sluts, and I might as well mention they’re not limited to Porn Valley. Who knows, you might be living next to a BCS. I’ll also add that it’s not limited to gender, either. Are you a BCS? After all, you admit to watching “far too much IR porn for far too long”.
I know, I know. You could say the same thing about me. I’ve been shooting IR porn now for 8 years — this month. But No Way Am I Gay.
Speaking of that, you know one of the most common e-mails Blacks on Blondes receives is something that goes like this: Dear BOB. Hi! My name is Jimmy, and I want to tell you guys that I can suck that big black cock better than the girls who are on your site!”
Hence, Blacks on Boys.
Speaking of that, you know one of the most common e-mails Blacks on Blondes receives is something that goes like this: Dear BOB. Hi! My name is Jimmy, and I want to tell you guys my wife can suck that big black cock better than the girls who are on your site! In fact, she wants to get gang-banged while I watch! Please set it up!!! I’ll even pay!!!”
Hence, Cuckold Sessions.
Speaking of that, you know one of the most common e-mails Blacks on Blondes receives is something that goes like this: Dear BOB. Stupid monkeys. This repugnant zoophilic site and those contemptible whores with AIDS really make me puke. I have bashed one of those bitches yesterday, it was very funny and I have the project to create a site called nigger-loving-whores-bashed.com, and in a few years it will be dead-nigger-loving-whores.com. I hope you will all die in horrible suffering, this is your destiny. Luv, NiggerKiller.
We haven’t started that site yet.
But I digress.
Oh yea, you want some names: off the top of my head, Sophie Dee is BCS, Tara Lynn Foxx and Cameron Love, too; Kimmy and Chayse and Leenuh and Jada Stevens for sure is BCS; and finally, Jaelyn Fox is the biggest BCS of all. She’s Queen of the BCS.
Anyway, Jimmy, I’ve babbled too long. For the record, BCS’s do exist. Just like panty-sniffers exist. There’s piss drinkers and shit eaters, men who like to wear ladies’ panties and women who like to wear men’s underwear. There’s men who jack off on Barbie dolls, women who like to get choked out during sex, and pervs who like to look at pictures of beautiful naked ladies wearing nothing but a panda mask whilst performing mundane tasks.
When I first got into this business, I thought there were like 4 things that made people moan really loud; now I know there’s a million different things. And I have no idea what happened to them during their formative years to make them moan at what they moan at…but it happened.
I know what happened to me.
Just try not to judge…cause, after all, that’s not the Christian thing to do — right?
Your pal — Billy
Oh. Jerry wake up to reality. It’s military thing. They’re probably creating a whole army of pig warriors.
I wish there were pigmen. You get a few of these pigmen walking around I’m looking a whole lot better. Then if somebody wants to fix me up at least they could say, “Hey he’s no pig-man!”
Believe me, there’d be plenty of women going for the pig-men. No matter what the deformity you’ll find some group of perverts attracted to it. “Oo that little tail turns me on.”
“and pervs who like to look at pictures of beautiful naked ladies wearing nothing but a panda mask whilst performing mundane tasks.”
You got me. LOL!
way to be bloggin’ this week, Billy… you da’ man!
Hey Billy,
Avid fan of your site and researcher of porn (I know, sounds too strange but…). Anyways, I meant to write a response to your blog early but been a bit busy with school and work.
Anywoo. BCS really do exist outside porn. Being a ‘brotha’ myself, I can personally verify this. There are several breakdowns but here are the basics.
1. W/Miggers (girls who act and want to be black).
2. Regular girls who like (love) BC.
This first category is cool when you’re young but taxing as you get older. You get a black girl with attitude and all but without the actual black girl.Difficult to show up at the office party with a ghetto-fied black girl who is actually white. White people really don’t like it…
The second is basically (Wonder) white-bread (or other races) through and through. However, somewhere along the way, she got a taste (pun) or itch for the BC and fell in love with it. White guys don’t like to admit it but black men has a certain ‘swagger’. It is either “nothin-to-lose”, “mad at world”, “I’m bad” (or combinations). I remember the first white girl I dated (for four+ years); homecoming queen, model, scholar. White guys would not ask her out. She told me that I was the only guy that asked her out in our class. Weird (or a well crafted lie).
Another thing, black women don’t like bullshit when it comes to fucking. Really. Especially from brothers. Really. You can’t come with weak dick regularly because sisters will clown you. So brothers compensate by trying to fuck it as long and hard as possible. Not always but brothers come to put it down (sorry for the slang). Brothers are not big on the whole cuckolding thing. If a sister said “you got weak dick…bah.bah”, she would definitely get back broken or left altogether.
But I digest a bit. So white girls stumble upon a black dude who is gonna try to make their toes curl up like fries (regularly). Also, the stereotypes (Reuters had an article about European women traveling to Africa for sex), skin contrast, and taboo factor plays into the psyche.
All this is just speculation and your results may vary. Love the blog…
Valerie Luxe and Lauren Phoenix were both BCSs too.
Dont think you cant be touched billy
because every girl you shoot also prostitutes on the side
I already have your picture and name and I know u live in the valley. cant wait to cut your throat
Wow dude. death threats via the internet. IP’s are easily traced….not a smart move.
It’s about fetishizing a group of men. The whole thing comes from slavery where slaves were sold at auction houses and their “aggresive animal” nature was played up for more money. Look at this buck here, we have to keep him in chains and with a whip or he’d rape every woman in this county, ya’ll!!!”
This has sunken so for into the collective consciousness that black dudes even roll with it and continue to propigate their “mythical” sexual prowess. It’s alarming. The whole thing was designed to marginalize. “They’re just animals.” Like dogs in heat type of thinking.
I have a black friend, who plays world of warcraft every night, loves dave matthews, and watches anime. We’ve talked about it. Girls have claimed he isn’t “aggressive enough” or “it should be natural for you.” Absurd.
Still I wonder if much of this isn’t a internet hoax. I mean statistically white women date/marry interracially as a percentage the least. Also, all those cuckold boards are filled with guys who can’t get their wives/gfs to fuck another guy. They whine about it.
Don’t get me started on white guys/asian girls. I could write pages on that bullshit. I sometimes think us asian guys in america need to change our stereotypes of hard working, smart, and family oriented and start doing some drive bys and selling drugs. You have tons of portrayals of badass white and black guys in the media. The only thing we get is that korean guy from lost as a sex symbol.
Idea for your next site, in about 10 years: Centaurs on Blondes
Brian, Id love to compare notes with you on your research! Hit me up!
On the topic at hand, I’d say there are 2 types of BCS.
a) Girls who (have an extensive body of IR work and at least seem to) ENJOY black dick as well as white dick ON CAMERA and possibly in their personal life and…
b) Girls who ENJOY black dick pretty much exclusively in their personal life AND do it predominantly in their work.
Girls that fit into the a) category: Bobbi Starr, Chelsea Rae and Dana DeArmond
Girls that fit into the b) category: Valerie Luxe, Claudia Downs and Tori Black.
Yeah right Dana would do a black in her private life. What you see of Dana on camera is just a persona. Dana doesn’t even do anything on the side, like almost all other girls do. I say this in a negative way, by the way. I don’t know much about Bobbi other than her being from Utah a religious state, which leads me to believe she probably wouldn’t shack up with a black either, if only due to the negative reaction there (and lack of black guys).
BCS in porn is for the money. Porn allows people like “Brian” to come up with “ideas”. Brian is probably a white boy. There’s too many dumb asses on the internet living a life inside their heads instead of reality. As what i see in the USA is “interracial” means a nigger and a white bitch. As one EXAMPLE there could be a white boy with an asian girl and i guess that’s not interracial? I read an article with Asa Akira stating that she was going to do her first “IR” scene EVER with the token niggers Sean Michaels and Miss Marcus. However she’s rode white dicks and mexican dicks and that’s not “IR”? LOL whatever. Whenever if i see a white bitch with a nigger out in public that white bitch is never smiling and looks tense. The nigger is always trying to be hard and racism is always at the tips of the niggers tongues. It’s old news. People can say I’m a racist since i used the word NIGGER to describe a black boy. Na I’m not just heard a bunch on black boys calling themselves niggers tonight at Mcdonalds.
Whatever “truth”. Porn in general is for the money. You don’t see anyone making porn for free in the industry. Beyond that point, there are several white people who call themselves crackers and rednecks too. Would it make sense for me to call all white people that? Your logic is flawed and it’s pretty stupid. You use few examples of situations you do not understand to try and explain a whole group of people. If your methodology were to be correct, I could single handedly write off the whole white race using George W. Bush, Dan Quail, and Fred Phelps as examples of white people. It’s amazing so many racist people like you make it towards this blog. If you weren’t trolling, you wouldn’t take the time to even look into this blog. So your interest in black dick or watching interracial for that matter, being that Billy Watson records plenty of interracial, is undeniable. I’d say “The Truth” represents email #3 and is probably secretly a member of BoB. For the record, the industry defines interracial as a black person having sex with anyone of any other race. That might be racist but that’s the way things are.
Is it possible to be a white guy who doesn’t have a strong feeling, positively or negatively, about this topic?
Yeah, I’m sure there are plenty of BCS in porn and real life, just like there are a lot of black dudes who like white women or white dudes who like Asian women (I have, yet to see an Asian and a Hispanic together though–let’s get on that people). Yeah, I like watching interracial porn–because it’s porn. Unless you’re a racist asshole or a guy who gets off on racial (racist) cuckolding issues, I can’t imagine giving a fuck as a white dude. And any black dude who gets off on a power-trip from watching inter-racial is just as fucked up.
Now, if you just like watching white chicks fuck, well, go on and keep whittling your ronson jonson, my brother from another mother.
Al Dunbar hit it right on the head. Claudia Downs comes straight from the hood. You’ll notice the black haircuts, ebonics accent… etc.