My pal Alec at F-ing Tee Shirts just whipped up a small batch o’ Billy Watson I Shoot Porn t’s.
I have three, and only three: a medium, a large, and an XL.
The ravishing Miss Brittney Stevens is modeling the medium.
The first three people who ask for one shall receive one: just e-mail me or leave a comment.
Oh, and check out F-ing Tee Shirts. There’s new technology that doesn’t require silk screens to make super cool shirts. According to Alec, it’s kinda like running a shirt through your computer printer.
How ’bout them apples?
[New note from Billy: they’re all gone, folks.]
There’s nowhere I can wear this where it would be appropriate 🙂
I’m not applying for one, just telling you that it looks cool.
Let me rent the medium before it gets washed!
Two years old; still have one?