Barbie Cummings has a web site. You can join it. It’s amazing. Borders on disturbing…no, wait. It is disturbing. On so many levels.
Don’t believe me? Then check it: more free Barbie Cummings pictures.
All she wanted was a black baby. Which is to say every single scene ends in at least two dicks giving Barbie a creampie.
Who knows…perhaps she’s already impregnated by The Black Man?
I could write a book on Barbie Cummings. At least some great short stories. Who knows…maybe someday I will.
There’s certainly many more Barbie Cummings posts to come: Barbie’s desire to fuck and suck a dog; Barbie’s desire to name her future black child “Cool”; Barbie blowing a cop on the side of the road (and NOT to get out of the ticket like everyone falsely claims); Barbie almost twisting Jack Napier’s huge schlong off at Ruth Blackwell’s pad (he seriously got so pissed I thought he was gonna leave and never come back); her love of sushi; her marriage to a dude she met 8 days earlier at the airport; Fifi and Boozer.
I could go on and on…
And I will. Soon.
BarbieCummings.com has finally arrived.