I Shoot Porn: What’s up with all those tats? And your name! Are you trying to be cool or something?
Scarlett Pain: I’ve always wanted tats since I was a little girl. When I finally turned 18 I went crazy, and I dunno if it’s about looking hard, but I like the way it looks. It’s art, and it’s nice to have art on your body! And no, I’m not trying to be cool. But hey, let’s face it, I rock!
ISP: Anyways, I think you’re kinda cool, and I really don’t even know you. I’m basing this all on meeting you in the parking lot and walking you up to the studio and shooting your scene. But…would you describe yourself as kinda cool and kinda angry, all at the same time?
SP: Everyone thinks I’m a bitch by the way I look, but when they meet me, some get disappointed, cause I’m laid back and easy going.
ISP: Describe your childhood.
SP: I was a spoiled brat. My parents gave me pretty much whatever I wanted, so once I became an adult it was hard to accept responsibilities and become independant.
ISP: But wait, you weren’t abused as a kid, like all porn girls?
SP: Nope. Not abused nor molested sexually in any way. I lost my virginity when I was 18, which is old for people these days, I think.
ISP: High school — love it or hate it.
SP: Loved high school. I was a cheerleader and I was in choir, and my junior year I was kicked out and went to continuation.
ISP: Why were you kicked out?
SP: For a whole lot of little reasons that became a big reason. But I graduated, and I graduated from the high school I started at.
ISP: You just had sexual intercourse with an African American for the very first time for the world’s greatest interracial adult website, Blacks on Blondes. This is very real. A movie of you does not exist fuckin’ & suckin’ a black male until this very monent. How do you feel after it’s all said and one?
SP: It was awesome. It was a great scene and I had a really good time!
ISP: If you were having a dinner party and could invite three famous people, who would they be?
SP: Steve Buscemi, Rizza from Wu Tang Clan….god, there’s so many. Um. Vince Vaughn.
ISP: Did you have a “crazy” sex life before she got into the business, like you ever do a 3some or a gangbang without getting paid and having it filmed?
SP: Yes, I did a 3some, but never a gang bang. I’d like to think my sex life was pretty much normal. Nothing super crazy weird.
ISP: Do you like your bacon thin and crispy or thick and chewy?
SP: Thin and crispy.
ISP: OK, I have to take a picture of you for the blog interview. Please show me your beautiful knockers once more.
SP: Wait! NO! My make-up looks terrible! I just got done with my scene!
ISP: That’s cool. Fucked up make-up is hot.
(We take the pics.)
ISP: Gimme one guilty pleasure of yours. Like, lately mine has been The Electric Light Orchestra. What’s yours?
SP: Bowling. I just bowled a 170.
ISP: I hate to admit this, but my other guilty pleasure is myspace. Wanna be my friend?
SP: Of course.
ISP: Do you feel exploited?
SP: No, never. No one ever makes me do anything I don’t wanna do. Why would I feel expolited?
ISP: So do you want to go have sex with me in the bathroom right now?
SP: How much are you paying me?